


Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe,and to contribute to the creation of a knowledge society, with sustainable economicdevelopment, more and better employment opportunities, and greater social inclusion and cohesion. Its predecessor Erasmus Programme was proposed in 1987 by the Europeaninstitutions as part of the Lifelong Learning Programme to facilitate exchange, cooperation and mobility between education and training systems in the countries. Europeansinvolved.

The Erasmus+ programme (official guide) currently covers an array of exchange activities between program (UE) and partner countries: student mobility for studies or traineeships, and staff mobility for training or teaching assignments.  




ESADIB is beneficiary of Erasmus Charter to promote cooperation and mobility exchange with other institutions. Through the ERASMUS+ program, ESADIB sends and hosts students who want to hone their skills, and teachers and staff who want to share experiences, coordinated by the Mobility Department:

–       Contact: Fanny Marí (




Documents of interest


Information of interest:

Solicitudes de Mobilidad para ESTUDIANTES y PERSONAL